Prepping Tips: Basic Survival Gear for Your Car

Who hasn’t heard of the bug-out bag? If you are even remotely serious about prepping, you must have one. Each family member should have a bug-out bag if they are strong enough to carry it. It’s a great concept you can use to create your car, Survival Bag or Backpack.
What happens if you are already on the road and disaster strikes? Most vehicles have storage or trunks that can hold all kinds of things needed to survive any potential disaster or weather event. Realistically though, we need all that space in our day-to-day lives, so having everything you want on hand for an emergency is not practical.
Prepare for the Unexpected
With that in mind, today, we will talk about that unexpected event that will make you glad you packed a basic car survival kit stored in your vehicle. A survival bag you hope you never have to use but will look to the sky with thanks if you find yourself in a position to need it!
Say you are driving down the road in the middle of nowhere when suddenly you hit a pothole that throws you off the road. Unfortunately, your cell phone was damaged in the car accident, and the last town you passed was 30 miles back.
It’s almost dark and pretty cold out already. You don’t see headlights coming at you from either direction. What do you do?
The first order of business is to check yourself out and ensure you don’t have any wounds that need attention. If you’re okay, get out of the car and see how extensive the damage is. For this example, you are stuck in a ditch, and your car won’t start — it’s a wreck.
As you’re walking around your car, you remember having a survival bag in your trunk. You immediately feel a rush of relief! You’ve now just solidified your survival. You’ll be able to make it home to your family after all!
Essentials to Have in Your Vehicle
This bag is in addition to the bug-out bag, which is likely stashed at home next to the door, though it has similar items. Here is a minor breakdown of the essentials:
Should Stay or Leave?
So, do you stay, or do you find help? Most of the time, the best idea is to keep it in your car. But what do you do when you start to run out of food and water? What if it is freezing out or, as luck would have it, snowing?
All of these things factor into your survival plan. Each scenario is different, and each goes beyond the scope of this post. You know where you travel most and the environment — use that knowledge to create your kit. Mark your calendar at the change of each season to “seaonsalize” your car survival kit for the potential weather and temperatures that lie ahead.
Why not stop right now and create a list of the items you will gather for your car’s survival kit, then put your kit in your vehicle so it will be there if you need it? Then, even if you don’t have everything you need now, put your car survival backpack in your vehicle with what you have now, and then complete your list as soon as possible. Something is better than nothing.