Flag Day and History Matters

Old Glory appears to be a source of contention for some. I believe that is because they were not taught the true history of our great Republic.
Some are working at our history slowly being erased and ignored. We all know it isn’t taught in schools as it should be. So, how can you appreciate what you don’t know?
Old Glory Deserves Our Respect
Sadly while some look to set her on fire and throw her to the ground, patriotic Americans still look up to her as a symbol of liberty and freedom only to be found in the United States of America. At the same time, we remember all those who paid the ultimate sacrifice in her honor.
Approximately 1,304,705 American soldiers have died in our nation’s wars.

Here are some basic facts that may enlighten some. But for most of you, my patriotic readers, this article will only serve to reaffirm why Old Glory waving in the breeze is the ultimate symbol of why the United States of America is the world’s shining city on a hill.
A Resolution Adopted by the Marine Committee
…of the Second Continental Congress, on June 14, 1777, called for an official United States flag. “Resolved, that the flag of the United States be thirteen stripes, alternate red and white; that the union be thirteen stars, white in a blue field representing a new constellation.”
The resolution did not instruct how many points the stars should have or how the stars should be arranged on the blue union. Consequently, some flags had stars scattered on the blue field without any specific design; some arranged the stars in rows, and some in a circle.

The first Navy Stars and Stripes flags had stars arranged in staggered formation in alternate rows of threes and twos on a blue field. Other flags had stars arranged in alternate rows of four, five, and four. Some stars had six points, while others had eight.
Strong evidence indicates that Francis Hopkinson of New Jersey, a signer of the Declaration of Independence, was responsible for the stars on the U.S. flag. When the flag resolution was adopted, Hopkinson was the Chairman of the Continental Navy Board’s Middle Department.
Hopkinson also helped design other devices for the Government, including the Great Seal of the United States. For his services, Hopkinson submitted a letter to the Continental Admiralty Board asking “whether a Quarter Cask of the public Wine will not be a proper & reasonable Reward for these Labours of Fancy and a suitable Encouragement to future Exertions of a like Nature.” However, his request was turned down since Congress regarded him as a public servant.
The Stars and Stripes First Flew on a Flag Day
….celebration in Hartford, Connecticut, in 1861, during the first summer of the Civil War. 620,000 soldiers gave their lives by the time the war was over. The first national observance of Flag Day occurred on June 14, 1877, the centennial of the original flag resolution.
By the mid-1890s, Flag Day on June 14 had become a popular event. As a result, mayors and governors began to issue proclamations in their jurisdictions to celebrate this event.
In the years to follow, public sentiment for a national Flag Day observance greatly intensified. Numerous patriotic societies and veteran groups became identified with the Flag Day movement. Since their main objective was to stimulate patriotism among the young, schools were the first to participate in flag activities.
In 1916 President Woodrow Wilson issued a proclamation calling for a nationwide observance of Flag Day on June 14. However, it was not until 1949 that Congress made this day a permanent observance by resolving “That the 14th day of June of each year is hereby designated as Flag Day. The measure was signed into law by President Harry Truman.
Show Your American Pride

American Pride Paracord Bracelet
Show your America Pride with the original red, white, and blue 550 paracord bracelet. How can you resist adding this one to your collection?
Although Flag Day is not celebrated as a Federal holiday, Americans everywhere continue to honor the history and heritage it represents.
When reading about Flag Day, I found a great video that gives a definitive history and review of the Stars and Stripes. (It’s still on YouTube — for the moment.) So sit back and enjoy!
National Constitution Center “The History of the U.S. Flag”
For more Flag Day History, visit our friends at Ammo.com: Flag Day: The Forgotten History of America’s Flag Day and What It Commemorates.