What Exactly is a Paracord Survival Bracelet?

What’s with the “survival” part of a paracord bracelet? The truth is most folks like the way they look. For others, the meaning they hold for LEOs and Military personnel and their families, The majority of those who wear paracord bracelets will most likely never deploy them in an actual survival situation.
So while “survival bracelets” have now hit the mainstream, these versatile accessories started in the military. They were an easy way to carry this solid and functional cord to have it on hand in case you need it.
Why a “550 Cord Bracelet”?
Example Styles:

This comes from the fact that the parachute cord is strong and versatile. Parachute cord, paracord, para-cord, or 550 cord are all names to describe a lightweight nylon kernmantle rope originally used as suspension lines of U.S. parachutes. The 550 cord consists of a 32-strand woven nylon outer sheath with an inner core of seven 2-ply nylon yarns.
When it comes to using this cord in a survival situation, not all paracord is created equal. Especially now that China has jumped on the paracord bracelet bandwagon! Don’t count on that being military grade or having the tensile strength you need in a survival situation.
That is why it behooves you to know where the cord for your items is manufactured. Unless, of course, you want to make a fashion statement — then this paragraph is a moot point.
All of my products are made in the U.S.A. with mil-spec MIL-C-5040H type III requirement cord and have a minimum breaking strength of 550 pounds (that’s where the 550 comes from). In addition, my cord comes from the same U.S. factory, a government contractor that supplies the military, so quality is assured.
The More Paracord, the Better
A King Cobra Bracelet, which is a substantial bracelet in one color, is your best bet. This is because it will contain the most extended continuous length of paracord for you to wear (see photo below). Most 550-cord bracelets, again in one color, allow you to carry a good amount of cord in case you need it.
What are the uses for a Paracord Bracelet?
If the need arises, you can unravel your bracelet and use it to:
You get the idea — the only limitation is your imagination! Regardless of how cool or “in” these bracelets are, think how handy a bracelet made from 550 cord would be if you are in any of the situations above.
Again, if you are serious about survival use, you want your bracelet to be one color so you have the longest continuous length of cord. Two-color bracelets are made of the same cord — just two separate pieces — one for each color. So, in essence, you get two lengths of cord instead of one continuous cord.
Being you get approximately one foot of cord for every inch of length, you can see why so many survivalists wear bracelets and include paracord gear in addition to the other necessaries they put in their backpacks.
Hope you find this info helpful. Want more? Download my Paracord Tips eBook, a “paracord 101” for those new to discovering the utility potential of 550 cord.